

A family devoted to Jesus, living according to His word and making disciples.

Sunday Gathering

Celebrate Jesus with Family & Friends

Mercy Hill has a large family gathering every Sunday, 10 AM at 447 N. Evergreen St.  Come experience the life, love, family and friendship found in Jesus. Our church family uses this time to sing, listen, interact, share and give. Together we meet with God our Father and celebrate all that Jesus has done for us. We are sent out, empowered by the Spirit, to share the gospel (good news) of Jesus with our city in our Missional Community families throughout the week.

OR tune into YouTube, on Sunday at 10 AM to join us from home. 

Click here for more on What to Expect at a gathering.

Time & Location

Sundays: 10 am
447 N. Evergreen St.  Memphis, TN 38112

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